McCrystal reminds me of officer Crowley, the guy who arrested that black Harvard professor, and got called “stupid” by Obama.
Both men are Obama voters, and both behaved stupidly. Both are “professionals” - McCrystal is even a 4 star general - and I do not doubt that both not stupid in their areas.
But why did McCrystal have anything to do with Rolling Stone? There are lots of theories; mine is that Rolling Stone was no problem for McCrystal (whether its reporter was imposed, or he accepted him). The manipulation theories are absurd. What does McCrystal, or the army, or the war in Afghanistan, get from this? Is not McCrystal a Patreus/surge/Anbar-awakening guy to begin with? Does putting Patreus in his place change anything basic?
McCrystal is another one of those millions and millions of mostly left-leaning people who can’t understand that a rag like Rolling Stone has an agenda hostile to their essential interests, and to them personally for being attached to them. In this sense he is “stupid”.
As has been pointed out, and in spite of the hosannas, Obama makes himself look stupid by firing McCrystal for a few cracks reported in some stupid paper, and makes himself look even stupider by turning to Patreus whom he previously ridiculed. This, the still open Guantanamo, and that drone attacks in Pakistan are on the rise since he has become president, does not help.
What is Petreus’ game? Is it stupid to have accepted responsibility for the Afghan war? He must think he can win - under present or foreseeable conditions. If not…