Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shredding the Constitution

We have heard so much these past years about the assault on liberty (face it: we are no longer free to plan terrorist attacks over the phone), empowerment of the rich and the “mortgaging of our future”, that the smiling silence meeting current trends puts subtle upward pressure on an eyebrow. The turn-abouts on every principle (virtue and new blood, kosher legislation, jail closing palaver and mortgage bloat) might leave us astonished were it not for the auto-flattery of hero-worship which animates the chattering class.
Perhaps most pernicious, and theoretically amusing, is the newly blatant oligarchic coalition ever more boldly seeking to run the economy for the benefit of the happy few under the auspices of the most progessive wing, whose tenancy on the summits will prove maintainable only through sharp practice. Of the latter there has also been much talk these past years but it seems, as always, that the unselfaware (to put it with exagerated charity) accuse in others their own crimes.
These machinations, if successful from the oligarchs’ standpoint, mean the end of USA free-enterprise as traditionally understood, lowering of USA standard of life, and a slip in foreign economic dynamism, American exceptionalism being its keystone.

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