Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Standard Double Penetration

Much delight this morning on “France Culture” radio.
First the glad report - based on the say-so of some Italian reporters - that the Vatican will announce sterner measures today against child-molesting priests: the prescription for these crimes will be extended from 10 to 20 years, and the perps will be defrocked.
This was directly followed by the daily “chronicle” of Alexander Adler, unofficial-official historian/revisionist of France, TV and radio personality, and eager predictor of a 2004 Kerry victory. Alexander began with a proclamation of how "enchanted” he is by Roman Polanski’s new found freedom. Then he gave his sermon. The subject: how rotten and irresponsible the American justice system is for giving poor Roman such a hard time for such a minor offence committed so many years ago.


  1. Is this just the Elite status of Polanski getting him the consideration, and a more common man would be treated to what is the law? Or can anyone have their way with children's bodies in these places where Polanski is immune from justice?

  2. It's the elite status. The Obamas can joy ride in Airforce 1, Michelle can play princesse in Spain; the lower orders must keep their carbon footprints small.
