Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Well children, here we go!

From a philosophical point of view we are witnessing the death throes of Leftism, or what remains of it after the debacle of 1989.
The fundamental meaning or content of Leftism is revealed by its origin: 18th century French anti-clericalism. The world is not a mysterious thing, ordained by an intelligence and a force beyond our ken; it is, rather, an inanimate mechanism - including its “human material” - which, as such, is subject to Human Will, now consecrated ruler of the cosmos.

The ultimate practical consequence of this doctrine - or, more exactly, religion - is the absurd notion that a) money (material) equals happiness and b) the supply of money, through the agency of credit (human “creativity”), is infinite. The abject nature of all this is now being unveiled, and the consequences of its pathologically entrenched supremacy must, at last, be faced.

But good things, like bad, come in batches! Thanks to the last big trick Leftism will have played on the world (the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency of the USA) Israel must face its implacable Mohammedan enemy, now armed with an A-bomb, alone. This sad and unpresidented fact makes the outcome uncertain. The imminent attack, though it may not include an offensive on Israel’s eastern and southern fronts (if one does not count Gaza), will include, as in Gulf 1, large missiles armed with poison gas, and the outcome, whichever way thing go, will be infinitely more consequential for the world than any of the countless jihadi attacks on Israel to date: for, if the Jews are not eliminated in the first moments there will certainly be a nuclear exchange, and if they are eliminated the jihadist armies will instantly turn their insatiable gaze west. 

The great experiment is over! Return now we must to “square one”, which is to say: the philosophical and "cultural" 14th century.


  1. Perhaps then you prefer the current GOP which has only one policy--that is NO. And which now features the likes of Glenn Beck, Russ Limbaugh and the other right-wing crazies as its "official" public face.

    Or the Tea Party -- full of self-righteous fury and signifying nothing except self-righteous sound and fury.

    Do you really think that ANY of that provides the basis for the re-generation of USA culture and Western Civilization altogether.

    Or perhaps you prefer the sheer awfulness of the contents and perspectives featured on the various First Things blogs--remembering that FT promotes itself as the "leading" journal of religion and culture in the USA.

    Do you really think that any of that provides the basis for the regeneration of USA culture, and Western Civilization altogether?

    Altogether I would say that most of what is now called "conservative" in the USA is a form of collective psychosis---seriously.

    Plus if you really do your homework you will find that the 8 years of the Bush "administration" were easily the worst 8 years in USA history.

    Why not also check out Tony Judt's new book Ill Fairs the Land re the state of the USA body politic altogether.

  2. Applied right-wing Christian politics 101

    Plus the driving force at the root of what is now called Western "culture" which combined with the 1st reference above has created a "culture" of death that is now being dramatized all over the world.

  3. Anonymous; I've said what I think is happening. What do you think is happening - I mean apart from your not liking certain parts of the body-politic?
