Monday, April 13, 2009


Once upon a time there was an evil emperor. But a magic spell put an end to him, and the peasants rejoiced. An evil queen of the north, inspired by a misshapen dwarf who was her court jester, vied for the crown, but the magicians and wise men of the empire appointed a beautiful young prince, beloved of the peasants and all peoples worldwide. A new era of justice and peace was inaugurated. 
The new emperor was married to a magical fairy of great beauty. Her close-set eyes, out-thrust lower lip, stiff hair and fine gowns enchanted everyone. The imperial couple boasted two children, and far and wide it was known that the emperor had made them a wonderful promise: if he were crowned emperor he would give them a dog! But after the coronation months went by, and no dog came.
The affaires of the empire were many and urgent. The imperial gold was depleted. The peasants were suffering. Wars raged. One day a great lord brought a dog to the emperor, who gave it to his children. The children gave the dog a famous name, and the entire world greatly rejoiced.

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